Thomas Castritius




Who I am

“Turning customers into fans”. As a project consultant, I have the opportunity to work with our customers every day to get closer and closer to this state. I am driven by the desire to bring about change and to sustainably implement solutions.


My Skills

My education is based on a Masters degree in International Business Management (Newcastle University) and a Bachelors degree in Sales Engineering (TH Aschaffenburg). In my professional career I have learned about the importance of well designed and practical processes. I have experience in sales process optimisation and improvement and streamline of sales processes. In another mandate for an international bank, I worked on the loan migration of different business units.


My Experience

One of my strengths is to emphasise the customer and business view in projects in order to make the right strategic decisions in the design and implementation of processes and procedures. In one of my last projects I worked on the solution design for the existing IT system in order to comply with regulations from Banco de Espana and AnaCredit. Thanks to my Spanish language skills, I was able to contribute to the work with Frankfurt, London and Madrid.


Why ToMarkus Consulting

ToMarkus Consulting gives every team member the opportunity to develop their strengths and skills and to use them in the projects. Always with the aim of building a positive relationship to the client and satisfying the clients needs.